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Country: denmark, france, ireland, luxembourg, united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2020

Running time: 103


Chris says: “This Irish animated feature, co-directed by Tomm Moore (THE SECRET OF KELLS) and Ross Stewart, is a gorgeous, 2D-drawn fantasy set in 17th century Kilkenny, centered around a conflict between the townspeople and a wolfpack. Our young protagonist Robyn finds herself caught in the middle between her father, who has been summoned to kill the wolves, and the pack itself, led by the titular figure, Behm, another young girl who is also part wolf.

“While the tonal changes between the town drama (where Lord Protector is obviously painted to prefigure a certain modern day politician) and the environmentally-tinged wolfpack scenes occasionally seem abrupt, the film as a whole is creative, multi-dimensional and emotionally stirring. Forgive me for being sappy, but it genuinely warmed my heart like little else I’ve seen in recent memory. 4.5 cats
Michael says: “While I appreciate some animation, I wouldn’t say I’m an aficianado. While the animation in WOLFWALKERS is pretty cool, and quite lovely, it doesn’t take my breath away or astound men Some of the swirling imagery involving spirits is pretty neat. Take the uniqueness of the animation and you’re left with an ethereal fantasy rooted in Celtic mythology set in the 17th century. It was a time when English general Oliver Cromwell completed the invasion of Ireland to annihilate the Catholic Church. Holed up in his fortress, he hires a respected hunter to eradicate the wolves surrounding them in the forest. The hunter has a strong-willed daughter, Robyn, though, who sneaks out of the fortress after her Da and stumbles across those very wolves and discovers a magical secret. There is a group of folk who transform into wolves at night and live dual lives. She befriends the young ‘wolf walker’ Mebh, and they eventually share a bond that strengthens as the film progresses. There’s a lot of adventure and fast-paced action, and some emotional moments, but at its best, it’s also a bit of a feminist tale about two, independent, strong-willed women doing what they must and relying on each other, when the rest of the world seems to continuously let them down. 3 1/2 cats

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