By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.5 cats
Director: Dan Gilroy
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal | Rene Russo | Tom Sturridge | Toni Collette | Zawe Ashton

Country: united_states
Year: 2019
Running time: 113
Michael says: “Part satire of the art world, part black comedy, part horror movie, VELVET BUZZSAW is pitch perfect. The acting, the production design, the direction and cinematography, were just so much fun to watch as this tale of a spirit that runs rampant, exacting revenge on those who have lost sight of the purpose of art and seek only profit slices through the L.A. art scene. With a cast that can’t be beat, including Jake Gyllenhaal, Renee Russo, Zawe Ashton, Toni Collette and John Malkovich, there’s no shortage of talent. In fact, I’m thinking this is a great candidate for Best Ensemble cast since there are not clearcut leads… or perthaps there are several?