By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: David Leaf | John Scheinfeld

Country: united_states
Year: 2006
Running time: 99
Michael says: “The first installment of this season’s Sunday Eye-Opener began last weekend at the Brattle Theatre with a much-anticipated documentary; THE U.S. VS. JOHN LENNON. Directors David Leaf and John Scheinfeld, responsible for dozens of made-for-tv, biographical specials, manage to rise above their roots to offer up something that is flawed, but tinged
with well-executed moments. It is certainly a step above the musical bios put together by VH1, the company that co-financed this picture. THE U.S. VS. JOHN LENNON focuses on the period of John Lennon’s life where he became a radical activist for peace, and how that stance, coupled with his celebrity, put him at odds with the U.S. government at the time, specifically,
Richard Nixon’s administration. After some background information on Lennon’s childhood, setting the stage for his rebellious personality, the film jumps to Lennon in the late 60’s; a Lennon who is just discovering his role as an activist. Soon after, Lennon meets and marries Yoko Ono, and the bulk of the film focuses on this time in the late 60’s and early 70’s including the court case that apparently give the film it’s name, where the CIA through the Immigration Office tried to have Lennon deported.
“The biggest flaw in the film is its ambivalence towards its audience. Is this a film geared toward an older audience who is familiar with Lennon and his politics; perhaps that remembers the time period being examined? Or is it geared toward a younger generation of viewers, who know that Lennon was a Beatle, wrote Imagine and was assassinated? The film tries to have it both ways, and ultimately doesn’t succeed completely for either group. Those familiar with Lennon’s work and legacy will be disappointed by the superficial treatment of the trial and politics of the time. There is very little new information revealed for anyone who might have been paying attention at the time. For younger audiences the film is slightly more successful, serving as a primer on Lennon and perhaps activism in general. Still, the liberal use of talking heads who were important at the time, but not so well-known today undercuts their importance without sufficient explanation of just who they were. Younger audiences today have no idea that Geraldo Rivera was once considered a serious journalist. His first appearance in the film generated spontaneous laughter from just about everyone.
“Still, the film is aided considerably by some pretty cool archival footage, the liberal use of Lennon’s music, and the eerie parallels between the Nixon administration and today’s frightening political climate. Lennon, certainly one of the times hugest superstars, comes off as so much more accessible than the superstars of today. More, he comes across as intelligent, witty, sensitive, and truly humanitarian, in a way that inspired the activism so prevalent during the late 60’s and early 70’s and sadly lacking today. 3 cats”
Beth Caldwell says: “This film would more adequately be titled, ‘How Wonderful and Passionate was John Lennon all his Livelong Life.’ I am quite a fan of Lennon and I learned a few things I never knew before about the legal case the government filed against him. However, the film was a bit too heavily glowing in its depiction of Lennon and strayed considerably throughout the film into topics not entirely relevant to the title theme. I also felt that the overall structure of the film was a bit too much like the construction of a ‘behind the music’ docudrama. I actually get a little bored and tired of all the Lennon images and Lennon songs. I think that, artistically speaking, the film would have done well to include a lot of other dialogue, video footage, and music from individual artists other than John Lennon. Not terrible, but I’d say this movie is good and bad. Enjoyable mostly, but often tiring, and I never never, never, EVER got used to having to see Geraldo on the big screen. Very unsettling! 3 cats”