By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Paul Negoescu
Starring: Alexandru Papadopol | Andi Vasluianu | Dorian Boguta | Dragos Bucur | Serban Pavlu

Original language title: Doua lozuri
Country: romania
Year: 2021
Running time: 86
Diane says: “Romanian comedy TWO LOTTERY TICKETS (Paul Negoescu, director) was good for a post-Icelandic-film palate cleanser. A suburban trio of bumbling stooges gets in over their naive heads as they follow a trail to find a misplaced winning ticket. ‘We agreed to split it, and everybody gets half’ is a typical line. In the main character’s apartment block alone, they run into drug dealers, prostitutes, and charlatan fortune tellers.