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The Last Black Man in San Francisco

Country: united_states

Year: 2019

Running time: 121


Chris says: “Based on the life of its lead actor (Jimmie Fails), Joe Talbot’s film is both a loving ode to and a fervent indictment of his and Fails’ hometown. With themes of gentrification, community, ownership, race and familial legends, it sounds like this should be in the tradition of urban neorealism, which makes it all the more compelling/surprising that Talbot opts for poetic reverie and a tone that seems to evolve more than shift from scene to scene. It’s uneven for sure, but I honestly haven’t seen anything else like it. As original a directorial feature-length debut as BOTTLE ROCKET or SORRY TO BOTHER YOU, I’m psyched that something so idiosyncratic has grossed 4.5 million domestically (to date.) Will likely nominate for cinematography, music, and Jonathan Majors (who plays Fails’ best friend Montgomery.) 4 cats


Michael says: “So fascinating and serendipitous that I saw this movie and THE DAY SHALL COME back to back. Both feature predominantly black casts, and tackle gentrifications as one of their man themes. This beautiful and unique film, which echoes of MOONLIGHT, yes outstandingly original, is a story based on the the lead actor, Jimmie Fails’ life. It’s truly an homage to San Francisco as a city, but it also explores the way the city has changed and how you can learn to hate a place that you love. The central figures are Jimmie and his best friend Monty, who is struggling to write a play. The action centers around a house that Jimmie once lived in before his father lost it. His family is scattered, and Jimmie has led a tough life on his own in groups homes and sleeping on his best friend’s floor. It’s truly a rather remarkable film that is inspired, intriguing, and moving. The imagery is stunning, and the accompanying music definitely worth a nomination. In fact, I hope to be able to nominate it in several categories. 4 cats

Thom responds: “This review is sublime. The best black story film to come out of the Bay Area in the past few years. Music score is incredibly purposeful. Did you feel any homo-eroticism between Jimmy & Monty ir was that my overactive imagination?”


Julie B. says: “I loved this movie, as Michael and Chris have pointed out, the music is wonderful and I will nominate for that, cinematography, and Jonathan Majors perf for sure. There were other strong performances as well in this being the aunt, the Jimmy’s father and Jimmy himself. As Chris mentioned, I haven’ seen anything quite like this. The love hate relationship with SF was interesting as well as the concept  of a love/obsession with a house becoming a dangerous thing. I can relate to some of this. 4.5 cats


The Last Black Man in San Francisco

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