By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Ramon Zürcher
Starring: Gustav Körner | Lea Draeger | Leon Alan Beiersdorf | Matthias Dittmer | Mia Kasalo | Monika Hetterle

Country: germany
Year: 2014
Running time: 72
Kyle says: “THE STRANGE LITTLE CAT is the assured feature film debut of writer/director Ramon Zürcher. The title is somewhat misleading, because the German DAS MERKWÜRDIGE KÄTZCHEN also means ‘remarkable’ or ‘noteworthy’ little cat, not our word ‘strange’ that usually means ‘peculiar.’ To the little tabby cat that scratches at the door and occasionally stares uncomprehendingly at the human beings everywhere in the small German apartment, it is not the cat that is remarkable or peculiar. It is the family consisting of diverse members of an out-of-tune metaphorical musical ensemble whose members go about the business of gossiping, shopping and preparing a meal. One family member talks loudly and constantly, another quietly or not at all. As Zürcher carefully observes each member of this dysfunctional family, like a conductor rehearsing his musicians, the counterpoint of clashing moments becomes both literal and figurative, revealing the unexpected richness of shared family experience. Under the circumstances, perhaps the cat’s single-minded scratching at a door for admission or searching for a garden rat below is not in the least bit strange.
”One of the essential experiences of a festival like New Director/New Films is the question and answer session after the screening. Sometimes the Q & A makes for an odd juxtaposition, wherein the film itself becomes less intriguing in the questioning. This happened with elfin youthful-appearing Swiss-modulated bespectacled writer/director Ramon Zürcher. He narrated a riveting anecdote about his Berlin film student experience of being mentored at university by none other than the great Béla Tarr, who suggested working with variations on Franz Kafka’s novella ‘Metamorphosis’ (1915). In the event, Tarr proved to be the perfect advisor who only made suggestions and asked questions, encouraging the youthful director to find his own voice, never expressing opinions or issuing dogmatic fiats. One wants to have been a fly on the wall for that experience! It speaks very well indeed for the success of the Berlin School in its leadership of a movement nurturing new generations of young directors. 3.5 cats
“Seen Wednesday, March 26, 2014, New Directors/New Films at the Walter Reade Theater, Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York.”
Michael says: “And then we come to this odd German film, THE STRANGE LITTLE CAT, which, as I have discussed with several people, should have ben titled THE STRANGE LITTLE FAMILY WITH THE NORMAL CAT. The themes and point of this film were completely lost on me, as various family members just drift in and out of the story acting strangely. If someone has an interpretation of this film, I’d love to hear it, because as it is, despite some clever moments and fun scenes, it feels hollow and pointless overall. More of a weird for weirdness sake exercise than a complete films. 2 1/2 cats”