By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Jean-Pierre Dardenne | Luc Dardenne
Starring: ArtaDobroshi | Fabrizio Rongione | Jérémie Renier

Original language title: Le Silence de Lorna
Country: belgium, france, germany, italy
Year: 2008
Running time: 105
Beth says: “Directed by the Dardennes brothers, we follow Lorna, a naturalized Albanian using her Belgian status in a scheme that marries her to others immigrating from Eastern Europe. Imagine if 4 MONTHS 3 WEEKS & 2 DAYS had followed the annoying pregnant girl throughout the film instead of the intrepid friend. Lorna, unfortunately, was very much like that friend – I found her to be completely unsympathetic, so her passivity or ‘silence’ bored me. This was too bad, because the rest of the cast was good – I particularly liked her junkie ‘husband’ – and the story was an interesting one. Everything else about it was good, if it had had a different lead, this could have been a truly great film, I think.”