By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Michael Moore

Country: united_states
Year: 2007
Running time: 113
Chris says: “To paraphrase an expression one of my colleagues loves to use, I am so over Michael Moore. His earlier movies and TV shows were amusing and unsettling in equal amounts, but he jumped the shark with FAHRENHEIT 911, a film that I liked at the time but now remember as a well-intentioned but clumsy diatribe that’s more propaganda than anything resembling artistic merit. Fortunately, SICKO has more of the latter. Pushing for universal health care, Moore makes his most convincing, provocative argument since ROGER AND ME. It helps that he’s picked a cause most people can champion and it’s to his advantage that he spends less time on camera. Still, I’m having trouble with little things I could overlook before: his condescending voiceovers, his one-sided examples and reasoning, the stunts that don’t seem ingenuous as they once did. I appreciate what Moore’s trying to do, and the film simmers to a fine boil of outrage and enlightenment; it also hints, more than ever, that the guy is a one-trick pony. He needs to make a different type of film next time out—perhaps one that shows more than it tells. 3 cats”