By Chris Kriofske
Rating: 4.5 cats
Director: Sandi Tan

Country: united_kingdom, united_states
Year: 2018
Running time: 97
Chris says: “As a 19-year-old student in her native Singapore, Sandi Tan wrote and starred in an independent feature film she made with her friends and her much older male mentor, but it was never finished, as said mentor absconded with the film reels and just disappeared. A quarter century later, Tan has made a documentary about the experience, complete with a good amount of footage she eventually recovered from the earlier project. Purposely disorienting and chockablock with fantastic imagery, particularly those that reverberate between past and present, the story SHIRKERS recounts is almost as wild as that of THREE IDENTICAL STRANGERS; it’s also more nuanced and artfully assembled. 4 cats”
Julie says: “I’d give SHIRKERS 5 cats. This is the way a doc should be. Clearly Sandi Tan now knows how to make a great film now. All that hard work and struggle paid off.”