Starring: | | | |


Country: united_states

Year: 2011

Running time: 80


Julie says: “Crazy good, darkish ? homegrown southern curio of a film. Interesting unfolding of events, several humorous moments, several bizarre moments, several poignant moments…in the end, sadly, I was left somewhat unsatisfied as if a piece or two to the puzzle were missing, but the pieces there were all pretty interesting… Seeing interview with director explained a lot. Watching a lot of it again I liked it better the second time as a few more things fit and tied all together which one would never notice first time around. I think this film showed a lot of potential for the director and some excellent acting by Robert Longstreet as Ezra Rawlings. There was some excellent singing and music in this as well.

“Somewhere between 3.7 and 4 cats – I feel I need to see more movies made at this buried treasure type level which I think this may fall into ?”

Beth Ca. responds: “What an eloquent review. Although I didn’t find Cornelius annoying, the rest I am in complete agreement. My favorite was Ezra the matriarch. I was completely convinced of his character, filled with love, concern, resentment and all things family. And, his was a most necessary element of the dark comic nature of the film.

“And, let’s all take a moment to appreciate the artwork. The film maker said that the artist created scores of those paintings just for the film.”


Beth Ca. says:  “I LOVED this film! This was my favorite film in all of the IffBoston lineup last year. Septien has the ingredient all my favorite films have: spectacular characters. Each character is superbly developed, each with a deep flaw that makes him extra special. I love how the fatal flaws are incompatible between the brothers until they find a common cause, at which point each character can provide a unique and meaningful contribution to their group effort. Love love LOVE this film. Available through instant streaming on Netflix. 5 cats


Tony says:  “Beth made me watch this movie so i could write a review about how good it was.  She was right and this movie would be in my top ten had i seen ten movies this year.  But i read her review and that’s not what the movie was about at all.  This is a movie about David Lynch and Garrison Keillor fighting over who’s creepier.”


Diane says:  “I have to hold with those who criticize SEPTIEN for being too disparate in its goals and influences. The clearest genre is southern Gothic, yet there is the contemporary playfulness of trick hoop-shooting. Story is fairly well telegraphed thru cross images and a nasty football coach (art imitates life). Weird; gratifyingly short. 2 cats

Julie responds:  “As for SEPTIEN – the characters that were captivating to me were Ezra (the matriarch), The Red Rooster (Coach Rippington) and Savannah. Wilbur was a sweet character and Cornelius played by the director was fairly annoying most of the time. HOWEVER he was completely hilarious to me when he approached these different people in his ‘unibomber’ outfit to bet on various sports. His playing on people’s superficial assumptions as both genius and hilarious. It made a strong statement I thought that carried over into people’s view of Wilbur and how Ezra tried to change that view. It’s too bad they didn’t do a little more with the film that was found at one point. That would have tied things together better I think.

“I really loved the singing the brothers did together in the middle of the movie- I believe it was the brothers – Maybe Wilbur was also involved in that? That was surprisingly good  and an authentic ozark sort of sound.

“I agree the film could have been a bit less disparate but the fact it was thrown together in a sort of experimental way without too much planning and produced a fairly cohesive piece – a little rough yes – but the fact I can remember so much from that film – it says something – It reminds me of the way you’d remember a dream with interesting pieces that did come from a logical place.”





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