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Ready or Not

Country: united_states

Year: 2019

Running time: 95


Thom says: “If you’re looking for a late summer trashy treat you could certainly do worse than this fun little horror romp. When middle-class Grace (a gorgeous Samara Weaving, Hugo’s niece,  you’ll remember her from ASH vs EVIL DEAD) marries Alex Le Domas (yes, from that Le Domas family) at the vast family estate her wedding night takes a nasty turn when at midnight she is told by the entire family that she must play HIDE & SEEK (the explanation is too long & involved to go into here), that is she must hide in the humongous mansion and the family will try to hunt her down and kill her. If she lives until dawn she will be allowed to join the family. While there are enough holes in the plot to sink a passenger liner the B-list stars are all super professional and play their parts with great credence. Technical aspects are above average and I like how the Satanic plot turns are fully realized. Nicky Guadagni is terrific at the gleefully nefarious Aunt Helene.”


Ready or Not

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