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Eiga daisuki Pompo-san

Original language title: Eiga daisuki Pompo-san

Country: japan

Year: 2022

Running time: 94


Diane says: “This animated feature is a primer on Hollywood filmmaking. Gene, assistant to B-movie producer Pompo, suddenly lands in the director’s chair, and we learn along with him. Gene’s movie, while benefiting from a collaborative crew and actors, hits typical bumps in the road: funders pulling out, last-minute scheduling of a full orchestra, additional scenes needing to be shot after the wrap….

“POMPO has a nice combo of realistic scenes and tongue-in-cheek sfx. During the editing process, we see Gene working in front of four monitors but also slicing film stock with a lightsaber. A special nod to Chlotrudis gives an extra boost. But why oh why must the female dubbers’ voices be so abrasive? 3 cats

Toni responds: “This was a personal favorite for me; thanks very much for covering this one.

“I should mention that I have rarely heard a good English dub for most anime, except the use of Werner Herzog in THE WIND RISES. The Japanese cast is great/subbed.
“I think the use of editing is in a way its own character and the behind the scenes, film closing, and award choices are all well balanced and work on multiple levels.”
Michael says: “Anime can be hit and miss with me, and the animation in this frenetic, exaggerated style doesn’t tend to be mysterious favorite. Where POMPO: THE CINEPHILE really excels is the story — which is tailor made for film buffs like the members of Chlotrudis. Pompo is heir to a film dynasty, and famous producer of big-budget B-movies. Her socially-awkward, introverted assistant longs to be a director, and when he bumps into Pompo’s father at a party, and finds out that Pompo has chosen him because she sees something special in him, he is overwhelmed. From there he finally shares the screenplay he has been agonizing over with her and she decides this is going to be her epic film into ‘legitimate’ film. Takayuki has created a real behind-the scenes making of a film, film that clearly yet with great entertainment value, demystifies the roles fo the movie producer and the editor, among others. The one story point that bothered me was the whole build-up to the finale where it seemed to be saying that great films were the product of the vision and sacrifice of one person — the auteur — and not a massive team effort. Still well worth the viewing. 3 1/2 cats
Pompo: The Cinéphile

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