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Peace by Chocolate

Country: canada

Year: 2022

Running time: 96


Michael says: “This gentle story about a Syrian refugee family who find refuge and success in Nova Scotia is based on a true story, and reminiscent thematically of the Broadway music, Come from Away. After the bombing of the family chocolate factory in Syria, Tareq, the dutiful older son of the family, arrives in Nova Scotia first. Huddled in his borrowed scarf, hat, and winter parka, he is immersed in a typical Canadian snowstorm as his warm Canadian sponsors meet him at the airport and drive him to his new hometown. The scene is played for laughs, but we are shown immediately that the Canadian generosity of spirit in accepting refugees is real. While Tareq immediately begins his quest to transfer his credits from his interrupted time in medical school back home to a Canadian educational institution, he also prepares for the arrival of his parents, his sister, and his young niece. With his parents arriving next, his father, Issam, who speaks no English, focuses on restarting his chocolatier business, working first out of his kitchen, then our of a small shed built for him through the generosity of the community. His chocolates are a big hit, despite the sour reception and cold shoulder he receives from a local woman who runs her own chocolate shop in the small town center. Tensions grow as Issam commandos Tareq to hold off on resuming his medical career so that he can help get the family business up and running again. Tareq’s only dream is to be a doctor and secretly continues his efforts, despite school after school rejecting his transfer of educational credits. In the meantime, to expand his network, Tareq accepts help from a friend and embarks on a mini-career as an inspirational speaker, addressing students and other groups about the life of a refugee and the success of their business made possible through the generosity of the Canadian citizens. His speaking engagements, coupled with some targeted press, get the family business, dubbed Peace by Chocolate, noticed by everyone including Justin Trudeau, who holds up the family as an example of a refugee success story.

“While PEACE BY CHOCOLATE is a pretty straight-forward film, hitting all the formulaic notes as such films as SEDUCING DR. LEWIS, or DREAM HORSE, its central theme is a powerful one, and the acting is strong all around. While the script feels familiar, it’s smart and compassionate, and from the film’s coda, seems to have followed the activities of that actual people pretty accurately. I found the film to be utterly enjoyable, if not edgy or innovative. The characters were warm and well-rounded, and I even found myself choking up from time to time. 4 cats

Screened at Tribeca Festival 2021

Peace by Chocolate

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