By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.5 cats
Director: Ella Lemhagen
Starring: Gustaf Skarsgård | Thomas Ljungman | Torkel Petersson

Original language title: Patrik 1,5
Country: sweden
Year: 2009
Running time: 98
Bruce says: “Considering that gay marriage is one of the burning issues in this country it is good to see that it is not an issue in Sweden. Adoption, on the other hand seems on equal footing in both countries. Göran (Gustaf Skarsgård) and Sven (Torkel Petersson) are a married gay couple living in suburbia, a small community of adorable bungalows and carefully manicured lawns. When they move in, their reception is lukewarm. They are there because Göran is starting a practice as a doctor and they want to be part of the community. Sven is a divorced businessman with a teenage daughter. He is still on terms with his ex-wife although old wounds expose themselves all too frequently. Göran is the peacemaker and he also has need for a family of his own. Sven and Göran agree to adopt.
“The adoption agency tells them that most countries aren’t willing to send children to homosexual parents. Just as the adoption prospects are looking slim, they get a call that a boy – Patrik (Thomas Ljungman), age 1,5 – is available. What they don’t count on is that Patrik’s age is the result of a comma placement error. Their newly adopted son is a juvenile delinquent, age 15. ‘I’m not living with homos,’ are the first words out of Patrik’s mouth. The adoption agency is at a loss. Patrik’s mother is deceased; Rönnbo (the orphanage where he had been living) doesn’t want him; his father is unknown and his aunt says, ‘If he shows up I’ll sic my dog on him.’ The agency begs Göran and Sven to take Patrik until things get sorted out. ‘If I get raped it’s all your fault,’ Patrik tells the police later on.
“Things don’t work out. Patrik immediately puts a strain on Göran and Sven’s relationship. Patrik barricades himself in his room and won’t communicate. The adoption agency is slow in finding Patrik another foster home. Patrik’s fear is that he may be returned to Rönnbo. Sven moves out. Göran remains the level headed one as the drama plays itself out and things are ultimately resolved.
“PATRIK AGE 1,5 has plenty of humor mixed in with social commentary, plus there is incredible chemistry between Gustaf Skarsgård and Thomas Ljungman making the story believable and keeping it elevated above sitcom level. My minor complaint is that the characters who change their tune during the course of the film do it a bit too easily. Skarsgård, son of actor Stellan Skarsgård, should have a solid career ahead of him. Many wonderful character actors round out the cast. 4 1/2 cats
“(PATRIK AGE 1,5 screened at the 2009 NewFest in New York City.)”