By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.5 cats
Director: Robert Parigi
Starring: Desmond Harrington | Melissa Sagemiller | Rip Torn

Country: united_states
Year: 2004
Running time: 88
Bob G. says: “Working from an ultra-low budget, director Robert Parigi crafts a fright-doll movie classic that does everything that Lucky McKee’s MAY threatened to, but only half delivered. Desmond Harrington brings subtle introversion to the role of a technical writer who feels cut-off from everything and everyone around him. When an expensive, anatomically correct love doll becomes his latest purchase, he finds himself ‘opening up’ in strange and unexpected ways — some of which are not at all
natural or healthy, especially with regards to his new co-worker and latest fixation, Melissa Sagemiller. LOVE OBJECT has the look and feel of early David Lynch (particularly ERASERHEAD), complete with oppressive lighting, characters that behave self-consciously and stagily (yes, I believe Rip Torn is TRYING to talk like Max Headroom here), and situations that are ever-so-slightly off. LOVE OBJECT has a compulsive and strangely empathic storyline and lead characters, some of the blackest twists and turns you’ll see in a black Comedy/horror offering, and hands-down the creepiest life-size doll you’d never want to find unexpectedly in your closet. 4 1/2 cats”
Scot says: “Oh, I’m glad to hear someone else liked this one. I caught it at the Brattle’s Fantastic Film Fest last year and enjoyed it
quite a bit. Creepy and uncomfortable, to be sure! But really intriguing. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And I found the ending quite unexpected… Folks over twenty-one (I mean it!) can get *really* creeped out by visiting the site of the company that provided the doll. ( In the film, it seems pretty far-fetched, but to know people actually buy these things. Ewww.
“But I also liked MAY quite a bit. More in a campy, fun way though.”