By Chris Kriofske
Rating: 3 cats
Director: André Singer | Werner Herzog

Country: germany, united_kingdom, united_states
Year: 2019
Running time: 90
Chris says: “Herzog Meets Gorbachev should be a monumental summit, and although the director never downplays his admiration for his subject, the subject, for all he accomplished (and Herzog certainly makes the case for him as one of the most important politicians of his time) is less charismatic than even Bob Dole (look him up, kids.) Can a portrait that’s a bit of a slog to sit through also be essential viewing? Herzog comes closest to actually pulling this off when he sidesteps the platitudes and occasionally stumbles across something that meshes with his penchant for the absurdity of modern life (in this case, it happens to be about slugs, of all things.)”