Starring: | | | |

Major Arcana

Country: united_states

Year: 2020

Running time: 82


Michael says: ” In another fine example of the old adage, ‘you can’t go home again,’ even if you’ve straightened out your life, MAJOR ARCANA is a fine piece of U.s. independent filmmaking, illustrating how to make a strong, low-budget film that tells a great story and looks good too. After abruptly leaving his rural Vermont home, a young man wanders the country, learning the carpentry trade, and eventually overcoming his addictions. Whether or not this young man ever planned on returning to his hometown, an unexpected inheritance after the death of his father pulls him back. There, rather than stay in the home where he grew up, he pitches a tent in the backyard and commences with building a log cabin. That carpentry skill sure came in handy!

“Back in this depressed, one-store town, figures from his past show up, not surprisingly because it’s a rarity for anyone to get out of this type of no-future country town. His father’s memory is not a pleasant one, and his mother’s reality isn’t much better. A woman from his past is a tantalizing reminder of his fun, misspent youth, and there’s a chance that things could pick up again, maybe toward a better future? Sierra works in the local store, and taught herself to read people’s futures using Tarot cards to make a few extra bucks. Her reading of our carpenter protagonist isn’t fairly indeterminate, but as the film goes on, we find so is his future.
“In his feature-film debut, editor-turned-director Josh Melrod creates a slowly, compelling tale of a young man’s journey and the dangers that threaten to send him off course. There is unexpected beauty in MAJOR ARCANA, as one might expect in rural Vermont, but the pall of desperation hangs over the film as well… desperation and resignation both, perhaps? While finding the lead character somewhat repellent toward the beginning, i was amazing how as the story progressed I was so much on his side and rooting for his success as things started to get dangerous for him; and from unexpected quarters too. The climax of the film, while abrupt, is so fitting. MAJOR ARACANA is a great addition to the U.S. indie canon, and definitely worth a watch. 4 cats
Chris says: “Josh Melrod is a filmmaker to watch–not only does this micro indie look great, he manages to get good performances from both a first-time actor (Ujon Tokarski) and an established one (Tara Summers). Not a wasted minute in its tight framework as well (thought I could’ve done w/out the puke.) 4 cats
Major Arcana

One review for “Major Arcana

  • November 18, 2020 at 3:40 am

    A really good display of American independent cinema that makes the most of its limited resources. Worth catching. 4 cats.


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