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Lucky Grandma

Country: united_states

Year: 2020

Running time: 87


Diane says: “Chinatown crime caper LUCKY GRANDMA features 85-year-old actress Tsai Chin playing a gruff, stubborn widow whose trip to the casino lands her in hot water. Chin (JOY LUCK CLUB) deserves an acting nom, playing all of five years younger and appearing in every scene of the movie. What a face! Director Sasie Sealy got the idea for the film by riding the ‘party bus’ from NYC’s Chinatown to Foxwoods in CT, and thinking ‘there’s a story behind these grandmas and uncles.’ Behind the funny moments and weird suspense, we can think about the challenges of aging, the insularity of an immigrant community, and stresses between immigrant elders and first-gen American children.

4 cats. Watch it at

Michael says: “What a fun movie! LUCKY GRANDMA revolves around an irascible older woman whose fortune teller keeps telling her that good luck is on her way. On a trip from Chinatown to Foxwoods, Grandma bets it all, and while things don’t quite go as she planned, she does return home with a whole lot of money… but is the luck good? Or bad? Gangs get involved, bodyguards, gunplay, kidnappings, Grandma certainly is in over her head, but her dour, bull-headedness keeps her going, facing obstacles someone half her age would balk at.

“The film hinges on Tsai Chin’s performance, and she doesn’t disappoint. Her grumpy nature and chain-smoking scowl are tough to not be charmed by. As the movie reaches its climaxes, it loses a bit of its vinegar as reality has to set in a bit, but it doesn’t really take away too much from the overall enjoyment of the film. Sasie Sealey writes and directs her first feature film, and it’s a winner. Thanks to Tsai Chin, the viewer is the lucky one! 4 cats
Bob says: “As you can see, I’m trying to catch up on my viewing for the year. This one’s LUCKY GRANDMA, in which a grumpy old widow from Chinatown (the one in New York City — die heißeste Stadt) takes a fortune teller’s advice that her luck is about to change and hops a bus to a casino with the money she’s cleared out of her bank account. And her luck does change.”
Julie says: “I got to see LUCKY GRANDMA, another one I had a hard time motivating to see. This one was nominated for best actress. Tsai Chin did not disappoint! I was impressed with her and the entire movie. I loved her character. Lots of funny moments mixed in with some thoughtful ones with great performances especially by the Hsiao-Yuan who plays her bodyguard Big Pong. 4.75 cats.


Lucky Grandma

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