By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Josh Radnor
Starring: Allison Janney | Elizabeth Olsen | Elizabeth Reaser | Josh Radnor | Kate Burton | Richard Jenkins

Country: united_states
Year: 2012
Running time: 97
Michael says: “Written, directed, and starring Josh Radnor (of TV’s ‘How I Met Your Mother’) offers a film revolved around nostalgia, and looking back at your college days as they high point of your life. Jesse (Radnor) is living an ordinary life in NYC, when he is called back to his Alma Mater in Ohio to celebrate the career of one of his favorite professors. While there for the weekend, he befriends a student named Zibby (Elizabeth Olsen) and the two strike up a friendship. They write each other letters after he returns to NYC, but she has clearly fallen for him and asks him to come and visit her again. Radnor does a fine
job with the writing/directing/acting tasks. It’s his second such endeavor following HAPPYTHANKYOUMOREPLEASE. He’s appealing as the protagonist, and Olsen does a fine job as Zibby. There just isn’t all that much zing to the screenplay. Allison Janney livens things up as another one of Jesse’s former professors, and the script is maturely written. It also ends realistically and rather gently. It just seemed to be missing something. 3 cats”