By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Cao Hamburger
Starring: Caio Blat | Daniela Piepszyk | Eduardo Moreira | Germano Haiut | Michel Joelsas | Simone Spoladore

Original language title: O Ano em Que Meus Pais Saíram de Férias
Country: brazil
Year: 2008
Running time: 104
Bruce says: “Three ideas for a story converge in THE YEAR MY PARENTS WENT ON VACATION: the 1970 World Cup Games in which Pele led his country to their third world championship; the insularity of the Jewish community in Sao Paulo; and the underground Communist movement in the 60’s and 70’s which caused people to ‘disappear’ when found out by the corrupt government. All three of these themes are experienced through the eyes of an 11 year old boy named Mauro.
“As the film begins Mauro’s parents are getting him ready to go to his grandfather’s for a visit while they are ‘going on vacation,’ the euphemism for people hiding from the authorities once their cover has been blown. Mauro is deposited in from of his grandfather’s building in Sao Paulo. His parents say they will be back for the World Cup. Did they mean the first round or the final match? Mauro forgot to ask. When he gets to the apartment it is locked and no one answers his persistent knocking. Hours later Schlomo, the next door neighbor, arrives home to tell Mauro that his grandfather died earlier in the day. The big question becomes whether Mauro is going to be a permanent orphan or whether his status as such is temporary. The Jewish community embraces him in spite of the fact that his mother is not Jewish and it is rumored he is not even circumcised.
“Making friends is not so easy. The curmudgeonly bachelor Shlomo slowly warms to the young boy after getting nowhere with unsavory and inappropriate disciplinary measures. Ultimately Mauro is befriended by Hannah an enterprising young girl who runs a makeshift peep show so that the neighborhood boys can watch women try on clothes in the local dress shop. Italo, a young revolutionary and friend of Mauro’s father, warms to Mauro instantly because of the family connection. Irene, a local barmaid, and her boyfriend, also look out for Mauro.
“As the World Cup approaches the entire community becomes soccer-crazed. For Mauro, it is a two pronged thrill. Like everyone else he is cheering for Brazil to win but he also thinks his parents will be returning. In the middle of the World Cup the police begin to make raids on groups that appear to challenge the government. Things get nasty and Mauro finds himself caught in the middle.
“While this film has a lot going for it, the story seems to be scripted according to some Hollywood formula. All that’s missing are flashing signs telling the audience to smile, laugh and cry….and , of course, feel outrage that the totalitarian Brazilian government is threatening democracy. 3 cats”