By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Kei Chika-ura
Starring: Hideko Hara | Mirai Moriyama | Tatsuya Fuji | Yoko Maki

Original language title: Oinaru fuzai
Year: 2023
Running time: 152
Chris says: “Shot by Yutaka Yamazaki, who has served as cinematographer on Hirokazu Kore-eda films from AFTER LIFE to AFTER THE STORM, this second feature from director Kei Chika-ura is often Kore-eda Lite, although what’s missing is the supple touch the veteran filmmaker usually suffuses his work with. It doesn’t lack ambition, though—this is a puzzle film of sorts, utilizing flashbacks and abrupt temporal shifts in piecing together the dramatic, present-day action occurring in the film’s first scene. The structure requires active viewing and ample patience from the viewer, but the reveals often end up not resonating in relation to the amount of effort built into them.