By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.5 cats
Director: Sophie Fiennes
Starring: documentary

Country: ireland, united_kingdom
Year: 2018
Running time: 115
Chris says: “Cutting back and forth between concert and cinema verité footage is initially somewhat jarring, particularly for those who know little about Jones’ life offstage (i.e., most viewers). Fortunately, the latter’s contrast with the former grows more compelling as they further complement each other via hotel rooms, recording studios and behind the scenes of a must-be-seen-to-be-believed television appearance. Jones has the kind of dynamic personality and uncommon force conveying she was absolutely made for a project like this and Fiennes is correct in letting her speak for herself. This is an essential music doc–as one woman shouted out loud at the very end of the screening I attended, ‘We’re not worthy of her!’ 4.5 cats”
Julie says: “On non-formulaic end of things I liked the way the two worlds in her life were often blended, mixed like a DJ would by the director. Very cool. On that line in a long string of events they show the development of a song from the melody and beats thrown down by her studio people, her coming up with and singing the lyrics with no music to her performing it on stage. In between the lyrics and show was a scene of her traveling to the venue I believe so it was a subtle not in your face sort of thing – there may have been other scenes in between the beats and lyrics and added beats later on. I went back to look at all that I found it so cool….
“And unlike Chris’s review which I mainly agreed with I never found it jarring going back and forth between the two worlds. That’s the way life is for all of us I think between work and personal. Very different.”