By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Arab Nasser | Tarzan Nasser
Starring: Hiam Abbass | Ibrahim Altoubat | Maisa Abd Elhadi | Namil Alraee

Country: france, germany, israel, occupied_palestinian_territory, portugal, qatar
Year: 2020
Running time: 87
Chris says: “Ostensibly a romance between Issa (Salim Dau), a lifelong bachelor who announces, ‘I’ve decided to get married’ and Siham (Hiam Abbass), a seamstress with an adult daughter, this plays out with a slight surreal twinge, almost like a Kaurismaki film (especially once the statue of Apollo appears.) However, it doesn’t gain much momentum and Abbas, so good in everything she does, is given very little to do here; it has some lovely moments though, like Dau dancing to what sounds like Julio Iglesias in his kitchen while frying fish. 3 cats
TIFF 2020 Reviews”