Starring: | | |

Friends With Money

Country: united_states

Year: 2006

Running time: 88


Michael says: “I really enjoy Nicole Holofcener’s films. Beginning with the brilliant WALKING & TALKING, and LOVELY & AMAZING I find it so delightfully refreshing to see smart films written and directed by a woman, focusing on women, and with her latest film, FRIENDS WITH MONEY, women of a certain age. Holofcener writes snappy, funny dialogue, yet her films bring real emotion to a subject that is often ignored in the movies, friendship between women. FRIENDS WITH MONEY focuses on four friends, three of home are married and enjoying a comfortable (and in the case of one in particular, extravagant) financial existence and one who is single, working as a housekeeper, and a bit lost. Jennifer Aniston plays Olivia, a slightly pathetic young woman, pining over a lost love (who was married) and drifting aimlessly after leaving her teaching job at an exclusive private
school, to clean house. Her friends worry about her, but they’ve got problems of their own. Holofcener’s onscreen mouthpiece is surely Catherine Keener who has appeared in all three of her films. Keener plays Christine who works with her husband David at home as co-screenwriters, while a monstrous second story addition is being added to their house, Christine and David aren’t very nice to each other anymore and Keener is marvelous as a woman slowly realizing that her marriage is falling apart. In a refreshing twist, Holofcener has Frances McDormand play the ‘Catherine Keener’ role, the bitter, angry, sarcastic, and also very funny friend. Jane is a clothing designer who is married to Aaron (who Christine is convinced is gay). She refuses to wash her hair and is intolerant or rudeness. Lastly there’s Joan Cusack’s Franny. Living in the lap of luxury, Franny and her husband Marcus are worry about their friends, and ponder ways to give away their considerable wealth. Cusack lets her co-stars take
the laughs and takes on the role of the well-meaning, but slightly clueless person whose wealth distances her from Olivia’s day-to-day difficulties.

“While not as sharp as WALKING & TALKING, FRIENDS WITH MONEY is filled with the same honest realizations, clever banter, and strong performances. Although I’m sure it happens, I just can’t imagine anyone not enjoying this film, and talk about a terrific ensemble cast. It’s nice to see Aniston mesh so well with the cast as well, of course it helps that she’s up there with not one, not two, but three Chlotrudis Award winners in Keener, McDormand, and Cusack! 4 ½ cats.”




Friends with Money

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