By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Henry Jaglom
Starring: Anouk Aimée | Greta Scacchi | Maximillian Schell | Ron Silver

Country: united_states
Year: 2002
Running time: 99
Diane says: “If I have to watch a movie about the movie industry, I’ll take this one over MULHOLLAND DR. FESTIVAL IN CANNES by Henry Jaglom is a romantic comedy/satire of Hollywood deal-making. The very entertaining screenplay shows writers, real and would-be producers, gofers, hot young things and has-beens mixing at Cannes. Ron Silver is especially good as a stressed-out producer holding off the creditors as he juggles stars and directors of his next project. Some reviewer complained that Jaglom loses his edge by ending the film with people pairing off romantically, but if anyone thinks those couple don’t have problems ahead of them, they should think again. I didn’t see a happy ending.
“Jaglom’s camerawork drove me nuts occasionally–in conversations between two seated people, he’ll pan slowly back and forth over and over again. Then near the end, there’s a scene of people walking down the boardwalk (Cannes folk can tell me what that’s called in Cannes!) and the camera is jumping all over the place. What’s the point of/excuse for that?” 3 cats