By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.75 cats
Director: David Cronenberg
Starring: Don McKellar | Kristen Stewart | Léa Seydoux | Lihi Kornowski | Nadia Litz | Scott Speedman | Viggo Mortensen

Country: canada, greece, united_kingdom
Year: 2022
Running time: 107
Brett says: “David Cronenberg returns to his ‘Cronenbergian ways’ in this film full of his body horror, shock and awe oddities that delight some, deter others, and appall … well, everyone. That’s not to say CRIMES OF THE FUTURE is all shock value without its fair share of points and observations stemming from shifting societal dynamics involving art, beauty, intimacy, autonomy, celebrity culture, and, of course, crime — at least, in a sense of the word. Thus, it’s safe to say there is plenty to dissect, so much so that it’s actually one of those rare occasions when this viewer was revved up for a second viewing almost immediately afterward in order to dive deeper into the content and themes therein. Ahem, and when I say plenty to dissect, consider this a warning that there is more surgery on display here than a weekend M*A*S*H marathon.
“Viggo Mortenson and Kristen Stewart lead the shady whisper section of the choir here—as one might expect—while Léa Seydoux provides a slightly more pronounced co-lead character who shares an interest in pushing the bounds of performance art with her cohort Mortenson. Through the act of public surgeries, body modification, and cultivated ‘evolution,’ the film takes a bleak look at the search for inner beauty through the avant garde ‘performances’ perpetrated and observed by the artistic duo.
“If the squeamish can somehow maneuver through an understanding and acceptance of the collective absurdity within this dystopian landscape (which I found refreshing in its imaginative future-world-building), there is a payoff in reflecting on the idiosyncrasies of celebrity culture and several other collateral societal considerations along the way. 4 cats out of 5
“Not recommended if ‘weird’ is a bad word in your household”
Chris says: “Convincingly Cronenbergian even if the story’s a bit silly compared to his prime wackadoo stuff. Less notable a return-to-body-horror for the director than it is a welcome reunion with latter-day muse Viggo Mortensen, having more fun with his ridiculous role than any other actor might (though maybe not as much fun as Kristen Stewart is having here.) 3.5 cats“