By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Hannah Pearl Utt
Starring: Caitlin Reilly | Chelsea Peretti | Heather Elizabeth Morris | Manny Jacinto | Megan Stalter

Year: 2024
Running time: 92
Michael says: “PIFFs opening night film was a crowd-pleaser; a zany comedy starring Next Wave Award winner, Megan Statler. A fun festival opener to be sure, and fortunately, a film that proved to be better than it seemed on paper, or as it started to unreel, but most of that depended on how much you enjoyed watching our star do her thing. Playing Cora, a singer/songwriter trying to get back on track in L.A. after the dissolution of her successful band in Portland, OR, Statler is a bit of a mess. She’s taking advantage of the open relationship with the girl she left behind to have some fun, but she’s also deluding herself (or is she) that her career is going anywhere. When she gets wind of a possible change in her girlfriend’s status back home, she turns up unexpectedly to find that there’s a new girl ensconced in their shared home, also under the guise of their open relationship.