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Poulet aux prunes

Original language title: Poulet aux prunes

Country: belgium, france, germany

Year: 2012

Running time: 93


Bruce says: “After their huge success with PERSEPOLIS, filmmakers Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud were surprised to find that money for their second feature was so difficult to raise. It’s not that investors were down on the filmmaking duo, rather they wanted the filmmakers to repeat their success by making another black and white animated film, not a narrative feature starring real actors. CHICKEN WITH PLUMS is in color but it also has some animation (to please those investors?), the
first moment of which took me quite by surprise. The film integrates the animation, flash forwards and flashbacks seamlessly with the narrative line. It is an extraordinary piece of non-linear storytelling. Mathieu Almaric, the ubiquitous French actor most memorable for his role in THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY, has another role in which he is central and all other characters exist to support his tale. There is no back story, no subplot, no parallel narrative threads.

“Nasser-Ali Khan (Almaric) is a talented violinist. His teacher commended his technique early on but it was not until love was lost that Nasser-Ali conveyed any soul in what he played. His teacher was so moved he gave him his prize violin which had been handed to him by another master. When we first meet Nasser-Ali, he is buying a new violin. He tries it out and immediately returns it saying, ‘You crook, give me back my money,’ to the dealer. His brother (Eric Caravaca) tells of a merchant in Rasht who has a Stradivarius for sale. Houshang is his name and he prefers to share his opium before making any deals. Naseer-Ali buys the Strad for 700 tomans, but the transaction turns out to be a total waste of money. Even that heavenly instrument doesn’t play right. What’s a man to do? Die, that’s what. A decision is made. A countdown begins. An entire life is explained in eight days. At first, Naseer-Ali reviews his death options: train tracks; cliff jumping; gun to head. Starvation seems best, at least if one is to die with dignity.

“Nasser-Ali is married to Faringuisse (Maria de Maderios) with whom he has two children, Lili and Cyrus. It is a one-sided marriage. Nasser-Ali was forbidden to marry Irâne (Golshifteh Farahani), the woman he truly loved. So he settled or, to be accurate, his mother (Isabella Rossellini) made the decision to marry for him. After years of Naseer-Ali maintaining his distance and providing for the family poorly, Faringuisse has become a shrew.

“Before he dies Nasser-Ali provides all the pieces of his life’s puzzle. That seems more a benefit for the audience than a revelation for the dying man. In spite of its many pluses CHICKEN WITH PLUMS loses impact because it is impossible to find Nasser-Ali sympathetic. His failed romance works as a positive device…..but the man, well, he’s just not very likable. Part of the problem may lie with Almaric who fares better when his character has more of an edge or is clearly not very nice. 4 cats

“(CHICKEN WITH PLUMS screened as part of the 2012 Tribeca International film Festival.)”




Chicken with Plums

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