Starring: | | | |

Charlotte Gray

Country: australia, germany, united_kingdom

Year: 2002

Running time: 121


Laura says: “While CHARLOTTE GRAY can be an infuriating film at times, with its heroine who not once, but twice, travels a great distance on behalf of a man who may not be committed to her or even alive, it does feature subplots that make it worthwhile. In training, Charlotte is asked which is the most important – Faith, Love or Hope. The answer she gives foreshadows
her bravest, most selfless, if foolhardy, action. The relationship between Julien and his father is complex and Charlotte’s encounters with the elder Levade and two other men, her English contact Mirabel (Ron Cook, CHOCOLAT) and the Nazi-collaborating schoolteacher Renech (Anton Lesser, FAIRY TALE: A TRUE STORY) also spice up an otherwise bland stew.” 3 cats

For Laura’s complete review: “




Charlotte Gray

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