Starring: | | |


Country: japan, united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2001

Running time: 114


Laura says: “Fans of Takeshi’s stylish violence will delight in the gunplay, Yubitsumes (the removal of a finger joint as apology), hari kiri and death-by-chopstick scenes peppered throughout his film, although newcomers may be left scratching their heads. Takeshi’s characters are always men of few words, but his Aniki is too inscrutable, his motivation mystifying. His script is like a mosaic – it gives an impression, but leaves us to fill in the connective tissue. Yet Takeshi’s exploration of the meaning of family has a resonance which helps us overlook his film’s flaws.” 3 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “


Robin says: “Kitano’s films are interesting – maybe not always good, but always interesting. In BROTHER, there are a number of bits that don’t quite work. Kitano uses frequent non sequitur scenes of gangsters playing basketball or throwing a football that have nothing to do with the story and actually take attention from the gangland drama. He also, at times, injects humor into violent scenes, taking the edge off of such sequences. I’ll also mention the saccharine score, again, as an annoyance.” 3 cats
For Robin’s complete review: “





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