By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.5 cats
Director: Michael Caton-Jones
Starring: Claire-Hope Ashley | Dominique Horwitz | Hugh Dancy | John Hurt | Nicola Walker

Country: germany, united_kingdom
Year: 2007
Running time: 115
Bruce says: “‘The films you care about are the ones you make with a lot of love and not much money,’ claims director Michael Caton-Jones. BEYOND THE GATES was made in six months for $3 million Euros. The film has a lot to say about humanity and the role of the West in an African crisis. Were one feeling mischievous, BEYOND THE GATES could be dubbed ECOLE RWANDA as its story is nearly identical to the earlier, excellent Rwanda film. However, BEYOND THE GATES is less of a thriller/escape film with greater insight into the human condition.
“At the center of the story are two men with a calling who give the film a spiritual touch: Father Christopher (John Hurt) is head of l’Ecole Technique, a Catholic missionary school; and Joe Connor (Hugh Darcy) is an idealistic teacher. Growing up in a world of luxury in upper class England has left Joe wanting to give back something back to the world. Joe takes Marie (Claire-Hope Ashley), a young girl who is a runner, under his wing. He trains her in the courtyard of the large compound and we immediately he feels something more for her than all the others. Father Christopher has made Rwanda his permanent home. He sees himself as a priest in a Catholic country.
“During the crisis which lasts several days, over two thousand Tutsis take shelter in the school. Father Christopher tells the officer in charge (Dominique Horwitz) that he must call his supervisors in New York to the UN can intervene. The UN officers take a bureaucratic stance andproclaim they are only peacekeepers and cannot take any action against the Hutus unless the Hutus fire at UN forces first. Outside the confines of the school the countryside is being eradicated of Tutsis. Corpses are left wherever the bodies were downed by machete, the preferred Hutu method of death. The Hutus kill with glee and roam about in packs like young boys celebrating a soccer victory. When the UN officers realize that the copses outside the school gates are being torn apart and eaten by wild dogs the UN officials notify Father Christopher to alert those within the confines of the school that the soldiers will begin shooting the dogs. Father Christopher sarcastically asks, ‘Are the dogs shooting at you? Is that why you must shoot them?’
“Caton-Jones gets to the core issues as he educates and entertains the viewer. Many people demonstrate heroic efforts; many must make choices along the way in such tortuous circumstances – whether to bail out early and do good work later on in life or to help the people now and possibly die as a result of that effort. The performances are uniformly excellent. John Hurt (SCANDAL, LOVE AND DEATH ON LONG ISLAND, WHITE MISCHIEF) and Hugh Dancy personify dedication. Claire-Hope Ashley is lovely as the young girl who questions Joe’s loyalty and Father Christopher’s faith; she has since gained fame from her role in CHILDREN OF MEN.
“The film was shot exactly where the real incidents took place. The credits show many crew members and describe their personal loss in the Rwanda genocide, lending a very personal touch to the film. BEYOND THE GATES uses source material from one-on-one interviews the African Rights Watch did with the survivors of the massacres. Father Christopher was based on a Bosnian priest who was quite a character in his beliefs and actions. BEYOND THE GATES has been sold to every country except the United States. Caton-Jones suggest that says more about the US than it does the rest of the world. When asked about his next project Caton-Jones replied swiftly, ‘BASIC INSTINCT 2.’ Let’s face it everyone needs a break from reality and a chance to make money once in a while. 4.5 cats
“BEYOND THE GATES was shown under the much better title of SHOOTING DOGS at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival.”