Starring: | |

Angel Eyes

Original language title: Angel Eyes

Country: united_states

Year: 2001

Running time: 102


Laura says: “Director Luis Mandoki and screenwriter Gerald DiPego tone down the saccharine syrup they applied liberally to their last effort, MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, but can’t resist overdoing the melodrama in the home stretch of their new one.” 2 1/2 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “

Robin says: “The routine story about two troubled people finding and nurturing each other is helped by decent, though not great perfs by Lopez and Caviezel. I have never been a big fan of Jennifer Lopez (though I really liked her opposite George Clooney in Stephen Soderberg’s OUT OF SIGHT), but found her angry cop character to have dimension. Caviezel, with those piercing, expressive eyes and handsome looks, fits the bill as the mysterious Catch. The actor has to get some roles that give him more to do than look tortured and pensive. I’d like to see the guy get a chance to thesp once in a while, instead of just expressing for the camera.” 2 1/2 cats
For Robin’s complete review: “

Angel Eyes

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