By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Álex de la Iglesia
Starring: Fernando Tejero | Guillermo Toldeo | Luis Varela | Mónica Cervera

Original language title: El Crimen Ferpecto
Country: italy, spain
Year: 2005
Running time: 105
Bruce says: “This silly farce is successful because of the brilliant comedic performances of the two leads, Guillermo Toledo and Mónica Cervera. Toledo plays Rafael Gonzalez, ambitious manager of the women’s department of a leading Madrid department store; retail is his life. As Rafael talks directly into the camera about his love of retail, beautiful clothes, beautiful women and living the perfect life, he is pure caricature. Rafael is a lothario. He hires only beautiful women who he can frolic with after hours. To get away with his sexual peccadilloes Rafael bribes the night watchman buying three hours of time to sip champagne, dress up in designer clothes, and dine on lobster before winding up in one or more beds in the linen department.
“When the position of Floor Manager becomes open, the contest is between Rafael and the manager of the men’s department (Fernando Tejero). When his rival wins the position Rafael is an ungracious loser and soon finds himself fired. But only for a few seconds. After being fired Rafael attacks his new boss and accidentally kills him in a changing room cubicle. A pair of women’s shoes in an adjacent cubicle warns both Rafael and the viewer that his troubles are not over. As Rafael prepares to dispose of the corpse in the basement incinerator, the corpse suddenly disappears.
“fter a frantic search and a false accusation Rafael receives a note from the ‘woman next door’ who witnessed the murder. He is shocked to find she is Lourdes (Mónica Cervera), the ugliest woman in the store, and horrified to learn that he is being blackmailed not for money but for love. First Lourdes coerces Rafael home to meet her family, then she insists they get married. Rafael is repulsed and exhausted by Lourdes voracious sexual appetite. He soon decides Lourdes has to go. How can he rid himself of this woman?
“Made up, coiffed and dressed to look hideous, Mónica Cervera throws herself into her role. Her timing is wonderful. She is eager to please her audience and her enthusiasm is infectious. Guillermo Toledo, whether pompous or doleful, can provoke a smile if not raucous laughter.
“FERPECT CRIME falls apart when is strays from focusing on the two main characters. Scenes between Rafael and the ghost of his dead rival are meant to be funny but fall a bit flat. Past the halfway mark the comedy does not sustain itself, but memories of the best scenes linger on. There are two good things about the end, however: the clown couture and the transformation of Lourdes. 3 cats”