By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Clint Eastwood
Starring: Kevin Bacon | Laura Linney | Marcia Gay Harden | Sean Penn | Tim Robbins

Country: united_states
Year: 2003
Running time: 137
Bob says: “I didn’t read the book, but I thought the film was very good. I found Robbins’ performance just as strong as
Penn’s (and Penn really was great). Besides, I love depressing films.”
Hilary says: “I saw it last Friday and recommend it on a couple fronts:
1. One of the truest book-to-film adaptations I’ve ever seen, and I’m a stickler.
2. Clint Eastwood redeems his reputation as a talented director after last year’s terrible BLOOD WORK.
3. Sean Penn delivers a great performance. In my opinion, when he’s bad it’s unfortunate, and when he’s good he proves he’s one of the most talented actors of his generation.
4. Tim Robbins presents a convincing portrait of a truly broken man.
Plus, lots of recognizable Greater Boston locations, if you go for that sort of thing.
One note: Laura Linney’s accent is horrible, and her role seems rather unimportant until the last five minutes of the movie. Then I understood where the buzz around her performance was coming from.”
Howard says: “Really good movie although I don’t understand the awe that it is stirring in the press.
“My favorite performance? Marcia Gay Harden’s. It was exquisite! I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about her performance.”
Nathaniel T. says: “I saw this last weekend, and my feelings are decidedly mixed. I loved the cast, and I’m one of those people that thinks that Tim Robbins overacted, but that didn’t ruin the movie. I thought that the screenplay was well-done, and the direction was beautiful. Sean Penn’s performance is subtle in many ways, but it is superb. Kevin Bacon is not getting enough
credit for the least showy role in the cast. He is understated and exquisite.
“BUT, the film is overlong, and the overall impact seems dulled by the fact that the mystery isn’t very interesting. I wish that Eastwood had taken a GOSFORD PARK approach and concentrated less on the crime and more on the relationships surrounding it. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of time is spent on the relationships, but I wish that about half an hour was shaved off
of the investigation.” 3 cats