Chris says: “Nostalgia is tricky to pull off–you can all too easily drown in reactionary sentiment or self-importance while going on about the way things used to be. Fortunately, Richard Linklater, who proved he could conjure nostalgia with affection but
Michael says: “I just finished watching a film that I so thoroughly enjoyed, and that moved me to tears at the end, and when thinking back, I’m not sure why. The film has a great premise that could promise chilling
Michael says: “Okay, what a surprise “I’m on a mission to get my 25 eligible films in, and I’m just coming down with a cold, so I’m not feeling great. So I wanted a movie that was relatively short and
Jeffrey says: “A tidy, well-wrought, low-budget thriller, with some of the spirit of both LET THE RIGHT ONE IN and ANIMAL KINGDOM, it earns its thrills the hard way, by slowly building tension to nearly intolerable levels, rather than spilling