By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3 cats
Director: Ana Piterbarg
Starring: Daniel Fanego | Javier Godino | Oscar Alegre | Sofia Gala | Soledad Villamil | Viggo Mortensen
Original language title: Todos tenemos un plan
Country: argentina, germany, spain
Year: 2012
Running time: 118
Thom says: “Viggo plays twin brothers Agustin (a respected pediatrician who’s withdrawn from the world) and Pedro (a backwater lowlife from the Tigre Delta who is dying of cancer as well as being involved with a nasty murder). Pedro busts in on his twin’s reverie and comes out much the worse for wear. Agustin, unbelievably, decides to impersonate Pedro and returns to the creepy noirish crime area. None of it makes much sense but it moved right along. Piterbarg related that she met Mortensen at her son’s soccer practice in Buenos Aires but that only begs more questions. 3 cats
“Director Piterbarg and star Mortensen (sigh) available before & after film.”