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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Country: united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2005

Running time: 109


Diane says: “First of all, I had been foiled in my movie-going efforts a few weeks ago because everything had such rotten reviews. PALINDROMES is a good example: HAPPINESS is one of my faves, but reading that PALINDROMES is more misanthropic than STORYTELLING, I immediately crossed it off my list.

“So that is how Janet and I ended up at HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY on a Sunday afternoon. Good old Susie Figgis (Mike’s cousin) puts together a great cast once again. Her earlier credits include HARRY POTTER, FULL MONTY, CRYING GAME, MONA LISA… Here we’ve got Mos Def, John Malkovich, Alan Rickman, and other beauts (unknown to me,
but perfect) in the roles of Arthur Dent and Slartibartfast. How does she do it?

“Having enjoyed the HITCHHIKER novels back in the day, I found the film version lighter and more reliant on visuals for humor. Janet thought it emphasized costume over content. There were several extraordinary moments of absurdity and sfx that make the movie worth watching. A point-of-view gun, which I believe was concocted for the movie, really caught my fancy. But what I took for philosophy and meaning when I read the books is largely absent and replaced by muppets and slapstick. 3 cats.”


The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

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