Starring: | | |

I Am Sam

Country: united_states

Year: 2002

Running time: 132


Robin says: “Acting ranges from dependable to first-class, especially Penn and the adorable Dakota Fanning. There is bound to be comparison made to Dustin Hoffman’s portrayal of the mentally challenged Raymond in RAIN MAN and there is, sometimes during I AM SAM, reason for this. Hoffman has a virtual patent on saying ‘yeah’ so Penn’s use of that word takes on a mimicking quality. Beyond that, though, it is a studied performance that makes Sam really come across like a seven-year old, but a very responsible one. It is not his best work but it does show the dedication Penn has to his craft, even with a schmarmy story like this one. Hitherto unknown Fanning makes a spectacular debut and is the best thing about I AM SAM. There is an assuredness about her and the ability to look you, the viewer, in the eye and convince you that she is Lucy Diamond. Her natural performance speaks of a maturity not often seen in a 7-year old. The only other kid stars I can remember who had this kind of impact right off the line is Haley Joel Osment in the otherwise unmemorable BOGUS and Tatum O’Neal in PAPER MOON. This is high praise indeed and I look forward to seeing more of this youngster.” 3 cats

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I Am Sam

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