By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Karen Maines
Starring: Alisha Boe | Francesca Reale | Natalia Dyer | Susan Blackwell | Timothy Simons | Wolfgang Novogratz

Country: united_states
Year: 2020
Running time: 78
Chris says: “As someone who had to attend a Catholic school retreat or two as a teen, what’s depicted here feels more heightened and strident than my own experiences, but I was so entertained by Timothy Simons as a bearded priest and the sublime Donna Lynne Champlin, giving great face as a stern taskmaster/chaperone, it didn’t matter. Also, Karen Maine’s film might not have worked without Natalia Dyer (STRANGER THINGS), who nails Alice’s blend of awkwardness, curiosity and impulsivity–especially in a conversation she has with a lesbian bar owner (played by Chlotrudis favorite Susan Blackwell!) 3.5 cats
(Now playing at the Coolidge’s virtual screening room.)”
Michael says: “In her feature directorial debut, Karen Maine has written a story about a high school girl growing up in a conservative, religious Texas town become curious about masturbation when she inadvertently gets caught up in an AOL chat. At the same time, she becomes the victim of a particularly salacious rumor that is quickly spread through the catholic school she attends. To address this dual onslaught, she signs up for a weekend, religious retreat, but there things only get worse. An brief encounter with the lesbian owner of a local bar (played beautifully by Susan Blackwell) gives her the confidence to face the hypocrisy that surrounds her and find her path forward.
“It’s a sweet film, written with intelligence and good humor. Much of the film’s appeal lies in the hands of protagonist Alice, played by “Stranger Things’” Natalia Dyer, who also had a supporting role in VELVET BUZZSAW. Alice does a great job coming across as naive, but not stupid, and her plucky resilience keeps things moving forward. And in addition to Blackwell’s welcome appearance, lots of good supporting work. It won’t change your world or anything, but it’s a fine little film. 3.5 cats“