Starring: | |

Roozi ke zan shodam

Original language title: Roozi ke zan shodam

Country: iran

Year: 2001

Running time: 78


Ellen says: “I recommend this film to everyone.vThe film is short so it’s not a major time commitment. It tells three vignettes about women in Iran. The stories are simple yet the message is overwhelming.” 4 cats


Diane says: “Here are the aspects in which this Iranian film fails: sound, cinematography, acting, dialogue, story, editing, continuity. Janet and I consider it one of the worst films we’ve ever seen. Thank goodness THE CIRCLE will make up for it!”


Jeffrey says: “One detail in this sometimes symbolic and sometimes literal portrayal of the experiences of women in a muslim society sticks with me. In the second story about women riding in a bicycle race, the central character passes a sign that says ‘You are here.’ I assumed on seeing it that it meant that the women had arrived, perhaps, since this was a symbolic as well as literal, race, at some point of sanctuary. But then the race continued. What was the sign’s significance then? Was it just another intrusion of the male-dominated culture saying, in effect, this is where you are, this is the way things are, deal with it and give up?”


Laura says: “THE DAY I BECAME A WOMAN is a trio of fables which simply yet evocatively lay out the problems of being a woman in Iran. The filmmaking Makhmalbaf clan have seemingly overcome these problems and produced a new voice in director Meshkini.”

For Laura’s complete review: “


Robin says: “I am a strong proponent for Iranian films these past couple of years and I am always interested to see the crafted film work emerging from that struggling nation. To date, I have not been disappointed. True, every film can’t be of the caliber and intensity of such works as THE COLOR OF PARADISE or A TIME FOR DRUNKEN HORSES, but the obvious talents involved in the creation of THE DAY I BECAME A WOMAN cannot be dispelled. The intense imagery and sometimes-silent story telling are very different from American films and are an interesting challenge for a film buff.”

For Robin’s complete review: “




The Day I Became a Woman

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