By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.6
Director: Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr.
Starring: Chaske Spencer | Jesse Eisenberg | Julian Goppel | Kate Bosworth | Lisa Cromarty | Michael Greyeyes | Phoenix Wilson | Tres Garcia

Country: united_states
Year: 2021
Running time: 90
Julie says: “This film ended with me being frustrated saying really! That’s the end? Not again! This ending made the most sense of the films I’ve recently seen but I was still frustrated. 4.25”
Chris says: “A well-made feature debut from Lyle Mitchell Corbine, Jr., even if I’m not sure what Jesse Eisenberg’s doing there (I guess he did help get it made.) Occasionally prone to melodrama and cliche, it does thoroughly explore the conundrum that while you can put behind your past, you can never fully escape yourself. 3 cats“