By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.8 cats
Director: Patrice Leconte
Starring: Daniel Auteuil | Emir Kusturica | Juliette Binoche

Original language title: La veuve de Saint-Pierre
Country: france
Year: 2001
Running time: 112
Diane says: “I’m not so sure about this film… I was waiting for the big payoff where we find out the pasts of the Binoche and Auteuil characters. I’d like to see the prequel!
“A friend who enjoyed this film was most struck by the trust that the captain had for his wife–unusual for its time, and unusual even today. Boy, seeing Autueil in this performance was potent after seeing his dull and comic company man in THE CLOSET last week. You can’t imagine the captain with a pink condom on his head, can you? He’s up for best actor for me for this one.
“I think Madame La (Binoche) was trying to impose her idea of a good world on reality, in a naive way. She was an idealist who left destruction in her wake. Both men were more on the fatalist side: Neel led his life according to the mores and justice of the world he lived in; he chooses to take on a job that he knows will facilitate his execution, just to make some money for his family. The captain, too, doesn’t attempt to work against what he’s dealt: on the one hand, he instructs everyone to let his wife do what she shall do; on the other, he doesn’t question his fate. I just read a sentence that reminded me of this movie: Do we judge goodness by its intention or by its effect?”
Esme says: “WIDOW had a very perfect ‘expository essay’ feel, with the plays on the word ‘the widow’ and the parallel execution plots. The cinematography was quite good as well, as I felt the grimy, smelly and cold air of the place viscerally.” 3 cats
Kevin says: “WIDOW was good… very much in the same vein as both Leconte’s GIRL ON THE BRIDGE and Binoche’s CHOCOLAT (although much superior in my opinion than the latter). I say it’s in the same vein because it had a number of fairy-tale-like elements. I’ve never seen a political-themed, anti-death penalty fairy tale… and for the strange paradox of a issue movie/fairy tale, it pulled it off well… sadly, it was unquestionably hampered by the archetypal characters and broad strokes that a fairy tale demands. Auteuil and Binoche (maybe the two best contemporary French actors?) are both wonderful, but the parts weren’t all that difficult–especially considered how talented the actors are. Visually stunning and very moving. Exquisitely directed by Leconte.” 3 1/2 cats
Laura says: “Auteuil, so marvelous in Leconte’s last film, is a completely different character here. While still a romantic, he’s believable as a military man, cutting a dashing figure on his black stallion Salt Cod. Auteuil creates a totally sympathetic man whose honor is unquestioned even though all we really know about him is that he truly loves his wife (and his horse). Binoche as the absurdly pretty gentlewoman projects kindness, but her mysteries are a bit more frustrating as we’re never really clear on her feelings for Auguste. The odd casting of director Emir Kusturica (WHEN FATHER WAS AWAY ON BUSINESS) as Auguste works – he’s a burly bear of a man of few words, a St. Bernard trotting at Madame La’s heels.” 4 cats
“For Laura’s complete review: “”
Marilyn says: “Anyone who did not see this movie, should. It is more than a love story, it is about trust and honor. It was a while ago that I saw it but I was very moved by everything, the story, the extraordinary performances all around, the visual landscape that held the story.”
Michael says: “Juliette Binoche plays Madame La, married to the Captain of the Guard, played by GIRL ON THE BRIDGE’S Daniel Autieul, in a tiny French village on an island off the coast of Newfoundland. When a local murders a neighbor, he is sentenced to die at the guillotine. The problem is, the village has no guillotine, and must wait months until one is delivered from Spain. The convicted murderer, played by BLACK CAT, WHITE CAT director Emir Kusturica, is the responsibility of the Captain’s and Madame La takes pity on him, taking him under her wing.
“That’s the set up, but the movie is truly a tragic love story between The Captain and his free-thinking wife. Binoche is wonderful as always, and Auteuil is just amazing. He is solidifying his spot as THE French actor not to miss… even if the film looks silly, like the soon-to-be-released, THE CLOSET. I will definitely be nominating at least Auteuil for Best Actor for this film. And the film looked spectacular as well… cinematography and perhaps direction may also receive my nods. The frozen water surrounding the island, the foggy coast, the clear blue skies behind the impressive Captain on his spectacular black horse… breathtaking. If you have been thinking about this film and delaying, don’t wait any longer. It’s really something.” 4 1/2 cats
Robin says: “Master French filmmaker Patrice Leconte tackles the based-on-a-true-story period tale about a murderer who, through the kind attentions of the beautiful wife of the island’s commandant, is not only fully rehabilitated, he becomes a local hero. There is mystery, though, in this tale of redemption as Madame La takes on an obsessive zeal as she first convinces her husband, the Captain, to allow Neel to build her a greenhouse in cold, windswept St. Pierre. As the prisoner gets over the drinking that was at the bottom of his crime, he becomes a stolid member of the community. But, the threat from Madame Guillotine never leaves as the island’s administrators plead with the French government to provide the deadly machine.” 4 cats
“For Robin’s complete review: “”