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Where is Kyra

Country: united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2018

Running time: 98


Beth Ca says: “Excellent film! It may seem like the film would be a bit slow moving in the first several minutes, but do not be fooled! It’s very suspenseful. Also, the artistic design is spectacular, along with cinematography. Michelle Pfeiffer is excellent, and Kiefer Sutherland was pretty good, too! This is a film definitely worth nominating in several categories.”

Toni repsonds: “I echo Beth on appreciation of WHERE IS KYRA.  While this is a slow burning film and hard to watch considering the bleak subject, it is quite powerful in showing hopelessness.

“This qualifies for Buried Treasure as it made only $60K in the US BoxOffice. It is directed by Andrew Dosunmu known for MOTHER OF GEORGE and one of Michelle Pfeiffer’s best performances.

“The DP is the extremely talented Bradford Young from MOTHER OF GEORGE who went onto shoot PAWN SACRIFICE, A MOSE VIOLENT YEAR, and ARRIVAL yet teamed up with Andrew again on this film that has very limited lighting.”

Where is Kyra?

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