By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.6
Director: Chanya Button
Starring: Elizabeth Debicki | Gemma Arterton | Isabella Rossellini | Rupert Penry-Jones

Country: ireland, united_kingdom
Year: 2019
Running time: 110
Julie says: “VITA & VIRGINIA is about the intriguing relationship between Vita Sackville-West a very popular socialite author and Virginia Woolf (who we probably all know was much more the reserved reclusive type). It takes place in the 1920’s, a favorite period of mine when it comes to period pieces. Elizabeth Debicki puts in a mesmerizing performance as Virginia and is nomination worthy. Gemma Atherton is not as convincing but it could be more about the way the character was written, edited and depicted (and the fact she looks nothing like the real Vita probably doesn’t help).
“What I loved about the movie was Debicki’s performance, the production design and cinematography, depictions of Virginia’s ‘episodes’ and creative use of music.
“The movie got very bad reviews. In fact I did fall asleep and had to pay to re-rent it since I became more interested in something else and waited past 48 hours which I have never done before with a streamer! (I think MARRIAGE STORY was free? still have not gotten back to that one and it’s been weeks now) …. I think that watching parts of V and V twice helped me appreciate/understand it more than I otherwise would have. But the fact I had to do this is, maybe, a bad sign? As critics wrote, the movie was undone by unsatisfying storytelling and poor editing. 3.75 cats”
Michael says: “Agreed on the nomination for Debicki. I was totally captivated by her portrayal of Virginia Woolf. But, as mentioned above, the film as a whole didn’t stay with me. It’s not that there anything wrong with it, but it just didn’t stay with me after I left the theater… other than Debicki’s performance. 3.5 cats“