Starring: | |

The Village

Country: united_states

Year: 2004

Running time: 108


Rob says: “A purveyor of film-flammery like Michael Moore is, quite rightly, called to task when he presents a story in a lazy and disingenuous manner, and so, too, shall M. Night Shyamalan. The writer/director/producer of the epic fluke THE SIXTH SENSE (1999) and its dreadful afterbirth UNBREAKABLE (2000) and SIGNS (2002) has forged yet another oh-so-ironic campfire tale. It is another insincere, two-hour lap dance better suited for not only the half-hour TV format, but a time before ‘The Twilight Zone’ and ‘The Outer Limits’ had already well-ingrained the concept of irony in a
psyche coming to terms with the darkness of a post-Camelot world.

“The things-that-go-bump in this tale are creatures — ‘Those We Do NotSpeak Of’ — that menace the inhabitants of a curiously isolated, period-unspecific village. Knowing that nothing is what it seems in this haughty Hitchcock-of-the-walk’s formulaic world, we spend the duration of the film fully expecting blind trouper Ivy (Opie spawn Bryce Howard) to safely escape the village to a beach with the Statue of Liberty’s torch and torso protruding from its sands. The more Shyamalan tries to infuse this gothic tale with the existential punch of CITIZEN KANE the more it looks like ‘Scooby-Doo Goes To Old Sturbridge Village.’ Despite the efforts of anearnest cast of veterans like William Hurt and Sigourney Weaver and young award-winners Joaquin Phoenix and Adrien Brody, this manipulative, post-modern ‘Our Town’ is ultimately as scary as a walk through a haunted
house with a spotlight. 1 1/2 cats (please forgive the imagery).”


Hilary says: “Amen, Rob

“Your description is dead-on: ‘Scooby-Doo Goes To Old Sturbridge Village.’ I felt like I was watching the worst ever small-town historical pageant.

“Anyone who can’t see the ‘twist’ coming from miles away is clearly not getting out much.”


Tim says: “For those on the fence about seeing this movie, I can only tell you to stop paying attention to any advertisement, as I feel this movie cannot be advertised correctly. I imagine many people will come away from this movie disappointed because of this. It’s nearly impossible to promote, as saying too much would give away (subjectively) interesting plot points, and to have commercials featuring nothing but the title would be useless.

“It is not a dynamic story, and no one goes through any interesting changes. This is a movie with one goal, and everything in it is working towards that one goal…I just think it’s an interesting one-dimensional story.

“Without saying much more, I really enjoyed it, and would give it 4 cats were it eligible. I probably wouldn’t nominate anyone in the movie…





“I’m almost hesitant to say how much I liked this movie. Most people I’ve talked to were disappointed because they were expecting a monster movie with some wild twist at the end, and not a dystopian allegory. I think I enjoyed this movie because I refused to watch previews, read reviews, or talk to anyone who had seen it, until I myself had seen it. I had no idea what to expect, and was pleasantly surprised when it attempted to be more than a monster/slasher film.

“I thought Bryce Howard was enchanting, but otherwise thought the acting was just good enough to be useful. I feel the same way about all aspects of the way the film was shot – shot for maximum suspense, almost to a fault. I loved how when I first saw the wood creatures they looked like they were fake and ridiculous, and I loved how everyone spoke like they had been taught by someone who ALMOST knew how people from centuries ago spoke. As I said before, this movie has one goal, and I enjoy how everything ties together neatly.

“There are many other things I thought good and even great about this movie, but perhaps I should cease listing them and be satisfied with my level of
naivete, as I have yet to find another soul who enjoyed this movie. Perhaps I am fortunate as I am never able to fully realize ANY plot twist before it occurs, no matter how much evidence I can pile up!”




The Village

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