By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.25 cats
Director: Anh Hung Tran
Starring: Le Khanh | Nhu Quynh Nguyen | Tran Nu Yên-Khê

Original language title: À la verticale de l'été
Country: france, germany, vietnam
Year: 2001
Running time: 111
Diane says: “A lovely film. I really sank into it. Three sisters in Hanoi conduct their delicate relationships with each other, their husbands, and their lovers during the month between the memorial meal for their mother and the one for their father–at the height of summer.
“Mark Lee Ping-Bin, who also did the cinematography for IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE does another wonderful job here: each shot has an intimacy; the framing, the yellows and greens, light and shadow are just beautiful. For performances, pace, development, I’ll be nom’ing Anh Hung Tran for best director. I’m sorry I didn’t see his SCENT OF GREEN PAPAYA.”
Michael says: “Three sisters living/ working in a cafe in contemporary Vietnam wrestle with love, death and pregnancy in this spectacular film. From the director of SCENT OF GREEN PAPAYA, this visually sumptuous film is like a soap opera Vietnamese style. The story is slow to unfold, like the opening of a lotus blossom, and just as rewarding. This was my top choice of the Toronto International Film Festival. I hope it’s released in the U.S. soon.” 4 1/2 cats
Ellen says: “I saw this Vietnamese film last night, appropriately while others are at the Toronto Film Festival where this film was shown last year. The film tells the story of three sisters and their struggles with their love relationships. The film was very sensually shot making great use of scenery and nature to create a mood. The story lines were simple but effective, however, the film was overall, a little too slow and languorous for my personal taste.” 3 1/2 cats
Esme says: “The height of summer. And the sun–no shadows for anything to hide in. I loved it too, so beautiful, full of appetites AND quietude.”
Kevin says: “VERTICAL RAY OF THE SUN is an absolutely gorgeous film with near flawless performances across the board. However the story line is very dreamy and at times extremely disorienting, which i thought took away something from the emotional effect of the film. It’s on my top ten list, so I’d definitely recommend it. Possible nominee for best cast and best cinematography.”
Laura says: “Writer/director Tran Anh Hung’s film recalls Ang Lee’s EAT DRINK MAN WOMAN, another tale of three sisters of varying modernity coming together traditionally for a parent. But while Lee’s more traditionally story-driven film resulted in radical changes for all concerned, THE VERTICAL RAY OF THE SUN’S characters strive for peaceful harmony. Watching it is like trailing your fingertips in a stream on a cool spring day.” 4 1/2 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “”