By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Agnès Varda | Didier Rouget

Original language title: Varda par Agnès
Country: france
Year: 2019
Running time: 115
Chris says: “At 90, Agnes Varda, godmother of the French New Wave, concludes her vast and unconventional, seven-decade-spanning filmography by looking back and taking stock in the form of a lecture–not a particularly cinematic format for most filmmakers, but of course, Varda, who passed away earlier this year was unlike most filmmakers.
“Over two hours, she touches on all her major and a few of her minor works; what emerges is a rare sensibility, one open to innovation and experimentation, but also simply observing or listening to the world around her, along with an openness to what it’s saying to her. As cinema, VARDA BY AGNES doesn’t quite contain the height of invention and epiphany inherent in her three masterful late-period essay films (THE GLEANERS AND I, THE BEACHES OF AGNES and FACES PLACES). Still, for fans, it’s like one last visit with a dear old friend; for the unfamiliar, it’s an invitation to discover and explore, much like Varda herself did with her art. 4 cats“
Varda by Agnès