Starring: | | | |


Country: germany, hungary, united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2003

Running time: 121


Howard says: “Did you know there has been a war going on for hundreds of years? And it all started because the upper class and lower class dared to fall in love and have an abomination for a baby? Master vs. Servant! Father vs. Daughter! Oh, the drama! How can they fit all this into one movie! Easy, UNDERWORLD leaves out any sense of character development and relies on convoluted and cliched story lines. But there is plenty of fun action to distract you from remembering you don’t give a lick about the leading characters (what was Kate Beckinsale thinking?). It’s like eating Twinkie. Oh sure, it was fun to eat, but once it’s gone you wonder why you ever indulged.” 3 1/2 cats


Peg says: “My question is, why is it that vampires and werewolves need GUNS to kill each other? This was a futuristic shoot ’em up in goth attire, THE MATRIX with bodily fluids…amazing art direction, though, and some nice costumes. I also thought the actors outdid themselves considering that awful script. Bill Nighy (normally a comic actor, tho some here may remember him
doing a serious role in THE LAWLESS HEART) was great as Viktor, one of the Vampire Kings…





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