By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Cory Finley
Starring: Anton Yelchin | Anya Taylor-Joy | Olivia Cooke

Country: united_states
Year: 2018
Running time: 92
Chris says: “Starts off a little boring and leaden, with two rich girls(Olivia Cooke and Anya Taylor-Joy, both very good) in a passive-aggressive pas de deux. It achieves some focus once the what-to-do-about-the-creepy-stepfather problem is established—a narrative we’ve seen too many times before. Despite all that, first-time director Cory Finley proves a talent to watch. The camerawork, the immaculate, suburban, Old Money mansion setting and the almost avant-garde sound design all cohere to bring about an almost thrilling sense of dread which builds to an unforgettable, extended long shot that’s like nothing else I’ve seen. 3.5 cats“