Director: |

این فیلم نیست

Original language title: In film nist

Country: iran

Year: 2012

Running time: 75


Bruce says: “Although I am not a huge fan of the two Panahi films I have seen (THE WHITE BALOON and THE CIRCLE), the director’s personal story has grabbed my attention.  A poster child for freedom in art and human rights, Panahi has been targeted by the Iranian government repeatedly. Currently he is under house arrest, confined to his Teheran apartment.  He has been sentenced to six years in jail and banned from directing films, or from participating in any aspect of filmmaking, for 20 years.   The case is being appealed.

“What does a man do with his days when he cannot leave the house, practice his profession or speak out publicly?  THIS IS NOT A FILM takes us within Panahi’s physical confinement and for 75 minutes we get a very good insight into the issues of Panahi’s plight.  Panahi still has his cellphone, a TV and a DVD player to keep him in communication with the outside world.  He discusses his daily household chores with his wife who along with their son will be visiting relatives during the day.  He talks to his lawyer about his pending appeal; she has no news for him.

“A friend stops by and they discuss his pending film.  Placing masking tape on the Persian rug, Panahi blocks the set.  Panahi
runs through the script to let the viewer know that the film is not the subversive vehicle he is charged with wanting to create.  He rides the service elevator with the young man in the building that collects the garbage, pushing the boundaries of his house arrest.

“Pahani is engaging, a real charmer with a wonderful sense of humor, seemingly a necessity to keep going on.  The Panahi residence is in a large apartment building presumably in the heart of Teheran. Furnishings are sumptuous by any country’s standards and the apartment’s terrace lends an openness to an otherwise stifling situation.

“And then there is Iggy, the family’s pet iguana.  Iggy needs to be fed.  Iggy also is a scene stealer, finding ways to break into
the frame.  Prehistoric in shape, Iggy adds a surreal touch which could easily be read as a metaphor for the governing policies in modern day Iran.  3.5 cats

“(THIS IS NOT A FILM screened at the 2011 New York Film Festival)”




This is Not a Film

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